They walked along a dirt path within the woods where Mia is convinced she fucked up somewhere to land here.

The pair exit the car but Denzel remained next to it, his dark side unveiled: a drug addict, who resorted to sniff Oxycontin off the car's hood and chased it down with vodka. Once released from prison, Denzel and Mia head to the woods. Fontaine took this opportunity to snip off one of Mia's braids and pocketed it along with Mia's bottom tooth (that was lost when Fontaine punched Mia). While Mia waited for Bovice and passed time lifting weights, she got into another altercation with Corrections officer Fontaine, where Mia was knocked out. Mia requested to be placed in the gym to work out while confined. Mia was sent to solitary confinement as punishment while Bovice was escorted to the infirmary for injuries sustained. During her time in Bolingbroke Penitentiary, Bovice and Mia plot to physically assault the Corrections officers. Mia is known for her signature black bandana with French-braided pigtails. Mia's critical moments were captured below in chronological order. She decided to apply with Pegasus Concierge but little did she know her life would take a sinister turn. While searching the yellow pages for things to do, Mia stumbled upon a Pegasus Concierge ad. In conversations, she frequently uses British slang (such as referring to police as rozzers). Her text messages can be difficult to translate at times due to being loaded with short-handed words, acronyms, and lack of grammar usage. Strangely enough, she enjoys the officers and inmates at Bolingbroke Penitentiary and playing around with various law enforcement officers whenever she gets the opportunity. She's quick to take a leader position and is not afraid of engaging in action or pursue her interests solo. Due to her low patience and refusal of gun use, she avoids hunting, fishing, and any activity that are tedious and repetitive (except deliveries, as this is a fast, easy way for her to make money). Her favorite weapon to use is a hammer because she isn't comfortable wielding any kind of firearm. She typically has a low patience for people and situations. She won't typically rob others but if she does, she will allow her victims to keep their money. Mia spends her time doing petty crimes and interacting with people around Los Santos.